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Zemits BriluMax LED Light Device

Zemits BriluMax LED Light Device

Regular price $690.00 USD
Regular price $750.00 USD Sale price $690.00 USD
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The Zemit’s BriluMax is a versatile compact professional LED device that can be integrated in a multitude of ways to transform a skincare business. Whether you run a dermatology clinic or aesthetic enhancement, adding BriluMax to your equipment list will bring in the customer satisfaction.
Most popular wavelength:
Red 640 - Anti-Aging
Increases skin cell activity, stimulates metabolism, boosts collagen
Blue 430 - Anti-Acne
Combats acne bacteria and helps to reduce inflammation
Green 495 - Anti-Pigmentation
Green light is an excellent wavelength for hyperpigmentation treatment. As it is absorbed by the melanin-producing cells of the skin, green light helps to slow down melanin production.

The advanced BriluMax LED technology has three different wavelengths: Red, Green and Blue. It ensures optimum cell activation and provides superior and lasting standalone results for the face and body.

Ideal for small treatment spaces, the Zemit’s BriluMax has a foldable structure that allows for safe storage between the treatments.

With high demand for LED Light Treatment Zemit’s BriluMax is a perfect add-on to any facial or body service.

It is an express LED Light facial service, that can increase your clients’ results and boost your business.
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